Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Imagine that you are the owner of a small manufacturing company Research Paper

Imagine that you are the owner of a small manufacturing company - Research Paper Example The minimum wage workers, mostly in the assembly section, would be at the level where the basic needs have to be satisfied. The basic needs or the lowest levels needs are the physiological needs and unless these are satisfied, other needs will not even surface. This is based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs that explains what motivates people and the type of needs that cause action. Based on this theory, it is thus necessary that minimum wage workers are given wages that meet their basic needs. This is their primary concern and can motivate them to work. Moreover, it takes lot more than money to make people happy. People seek job security, recognition and status. Job security is particularly important for people that seek to satisfy lower order needs (Latham & Ernst, 2006). However, even though their basic needs are met, they also expect distributive justice. If an employee feels he is underpaid, it could adversely affect performance. This may also lead to feelings of hostility towards the management. Adams’ equity theory focuses on the motivational effects of distributive justice where the workers would compare the inputs and outputs of their own self versus those of others (Locke & Latham, 2004). To ensure low turnover, management should try to increase the link between efforts and performance evaluation, and performance and outcomes. Providing the right job role and training to fulfill the job role would motivate the minimum wage worker because they would feel recognized. This is the based on the Hawthorne Studies, which found that supervision, incentives and working conditions impact performance. Self-determination theory (SDT) is another theory of human motivation and development. One of the theories it focuses on is controlled motivation. Controlled motivation consists of external regulation as well as introjected regulation (Deci and Ryan, 2008). Once the basic needs of the minimum wage workers are provided, to achieve the desire productivity , they need some amount of control. Through control behaviour should be regulated by means of external contingencies such as rewards and punishment. Under control people are pressurized to think, feel or behave in particular ways. They may also try to give their best as this could bring them rewards and failure to do so could result in punishment. As far as employees from other sections (sales, technology and administration) are concerned, different set of motivation strategy can be adopted. Goal-setting theory by Locke and Latham focuses on the effects of conscious goals as motivators of task performance. Goal setting is a powerful motivation technique as it creates a â€Å"strong situation† (Latham & Ernst, 2006). The strong situation minimizes the effect of personality difference among workers. In sales and technology people with differing skills and personality are likely to be in the same team. Goal-setting theory states that setting high goals can lead to high performan ce, the higher the goals the higher will be one’s performance and variable such as participation in decision making and feedback enhance performance (Locke, 1968 cited in Locke & Latham, 2004). When people attain goals they feel satisfied. This will also ensure high quality work. To minimize the impact of individual differences, goal-setting should be based on individual talent and capabilities. At the same time, high but attainable goals could enhance productivity and performance. Organizational

Monday, October 28, 2019

Issues in Financial Reporting & Analysis Semester Essay Example for Free

Issues in Financial Reporting Analysis Semester Essay Word length Maximum word limit: 1,000 (Typed, double-spaced, minimum 12 point Times New Roman font, all margins 2.5cm minimum). The word limit includes tables, appendices and footnotes (if any), but excludes references. Do not use endnote. State the word count at the beginning of the essay. All material over 1,000 words will be disregarded. References must follow the Harvard style referencing. Submission Instructions Students must lodge the essay by 5pm Friday 20 September 2013 electronically to Turn-It-in software through Blackboard and submit a copy in Blackboard through the â€Å"Essay† tab. Turn-It-In will be made available closer to the due date. Your electronic copy should be in Microsoft Word format and named using your SID (e.g., z1234567.doc). The â€Å"Individual Assignment Cover Sheet† on the course Blackboard site must be attached to both submissions. Please ensure that you know how to submit this assessment correctly by reviewing these instructions. Penalties apply for non-compliance. Penalties ï‚ · Presentation and organisation of the essay: students should write up their answers in an essay format which must consist of an introduction, body of discussion and conclusion. Headings must be used when answering the questions. The introduction and conclusion should be directly related to the findings students identified in the body. 3 marks penalty applies to essays that fail to follow this structure. ï‚ · Plagiarism: Refer to the University policy for possible penalties; ï‚ · Late submissions will be penalised at the rate of 5% (1 mark) per day or part thereof. The penalty applies to Saturday and Sunday as well as weekdays. No essay will be accepted for submission after 10 October 2013. ï‚ · Submissions that do not follow the â€Å"Submission Instructions† will attract a penalty of 3 marks. ï‚ · Small or incorrect font: Penalty of 2 marks will be deducted for a font below 12 or the use of a font other than Times New Roman. ï‚ · Inappropriate margins: Penalty of 2 marks will be deduced if any margin is less than 2.5cm. ï‚ · An essay presented in handwriting: Hand-written essays will not be marked; late penalties apply to re-submission in WORD. Feedback and marking of the essay will be done by the online marking and feedback system called ReView. Self-assessment of performance for your own essay can also be conducted using ReView. Further details about access ReView (including a link to access ReView) are available on Blackboard. 2 MARKING CRITERIA Ethical Analysis Criteria (7 marks): Criteria 1. Identify key ethical issues or implications of business decisions / practice (2 MARKS) Analyse and assess ethical impacts / implications (2 MARKS) ï‚ · ï‚ · Proposes a feasible ï‚ · strategy / recommendation to address issues / impacts. Provides some justification for ï‚ · recommendation, based on analysis and relevant ethical frameworks / principles. 3 Cultural Analysis Criteria (7 marks): Criteria 1. Identify cultural dimensions / characteristics of a business situation (2 MARKS) 3. Evaluate the extent to which the HofstedeGray framework explains the problems and propose a strategy to address cultural implications (3 MARKS) ï‚ · Does not make feasible culturally appropriate recommendations in light of relevant theory or frameworks. ï‚ · Identifies and analyses key cultural impacts (intended and unintended) or implications of business choices or practice, using appropriate theory or frameworks. ï‚ · Makes feasible culturally appropriate recommendations which are aligned with appropriate frameworks and principles. ï‚ · Convincingly justifies recommendations and considers their impact and implications (and evaluates alternative responses if appropriate). 4 Written communication criteria (6 marks): Criteria 1. Communicates clearly and concisely (2 MARKS) as possible). ï‚ · Uses fluent, accurate ï‚ · Uses generally accurate expression / grammar (or expression / grammar, but with negligible errors meaning occasionally which do not interfere needs to be clearer. with clarity). 2. Structures text logically and coherently (2 MARKS) ï‚ · Generally presents main ï‚ · Presents all ideas / ï‚ · Does not present main argument, ideas and arguments / information argument, ideas and information logically and logically and information logically or structures text coherently persuasively, and structure text coherently to achieve aim e.g.,: structures text coherently to achieve aim, e.g.,: ï‚ § Text has a generally and effectively to achieve ï‚ § Text has an unclear clear focus, with little aim: focus and possibly or no irrelevant ï‚ § Text has a clear focus, irrelevant or repetitive material; ideas are with no irrelevant or material; ideas are not generally developed repetitive material, and sequentially or sequentially and a logical development logically developed logically, but this could and sequence of main ï‚ § Text is not structured be more consistent ideas and supporting to effectively achieve ï‚ § Text has an adequate material aim structure ï‚ § Text has a clear, coherent structure ï‚ · Presents document at a ï‚ · Presents document very ï‚ · Does not present professional standard, professionally, e.g.,: document at a e.g.,: ï‚ § Evidence of thorough professional standard, ï‚ § Some evidence of editing (e.g., no / e.g., editing (only minor negligible spelling / ï‚ § Little evidence of spelling / punctuation punctuation errors) editing (frequent errors) ï‚ § Accurately and spelling / punctuation ï‚ § Uses appropriate effectively uses errors) format (e.g., essay) and appropriate format ï‚ § Does not accurately use follows formatting (e.g., essay) and meets appropriate format requirements requirements (e.g., essay) or follow ï‚ § Style and presentation ï‚ § Style and presentation requirements are appropriate and are highly appropriate ï‚ § Style and presentation sufficiently formal for for the specific business are not appropriate for the specific business / / academic context the specific business / academic context academic con text ï‚ · References sources ï‚ · References sources in-text accurately (in Harvard ï‚ · Does not reference and  in reference list style) in-text and in sources appropriately / mainly accurately and in reference list. accurately in-text, or in correct style (e.g., reference list. ï‚ · Integrates sources Harvard). effectively into text. 3. Presents text professionally and references sources accurately (2 MARKS) 5

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Oedipus And Othello :: Compare Contrast Oediput Othello Essays

Oedipus and Othello   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When comparing and contrasting the character's Oedipus and Othello by means of the different theatrical practices, one must take in account that there have been many interpretations, and productions of each of their respected plays. The differing presentations of each may lead someone to think differently about the play than another would. In comparing and contrasting the dramatic representation of the protagonists Oedipus and Othello, theatrical presentation, costume design, and character will lead the reader, and viewer, to have a greater insight into the theatrical practices of their times and their approaches to the issue of verisimilitude.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The theatrical presentation of both plays are very similar. The two plays would both be presented on a thrust stage, which is a platform surrounded on three sides by the audience. Except for the backdrop which would have some element of scenery, the stage itself would be bare apart from a few scenic elements and props. Othello, like most of Shakespeare's plays, had what is called an abstract setting. That is a setting in which the locale may change rapidly, it may not be indicated by the script that it has changed, and was most likely suggested by a few props. Abstract settings place more emphasis on the language and the performer, which causes the spectator to use their imagination. It also places more emphasis on costuming. This type of setting helped set up the style of representational theater, which places high emphasis on the realistic. The style used in classical Greece was presentational which, because of the use of the mask, gave no illusion that this story is happening before their eyes. The audience is reminded that they are watching a play, and not merely observing life. Thus, the use of the thrust stage is the only similarity of the two types of presentation. Othello is a purely illusionistic play, whereas Oedipus Rex is one that when watched, the viewer knows that they are watching a performance.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Costumes convey information about the character and aid in setting the tone or mood of the production. Because most acting involves impersonation, most costumes are essential to re-create historical or to the period in which the production takes place. Costumes like that of William Shakespeare's Othello maybe abstract, ever-changing, like it's setting. When using the costume design of the latest film version of Othello, he is usually seen in a toga-like uniform which may have stemmed from his moor background. Since costume elements were formalized in classical Greek theater, the costumes would be that of everyday dress with slight additions of colour, designs, all of which created a larger

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Women in the Epic of Beowulf and in Other Anglo-Saxon Poems Essay

The Women in Beowulf and in Other Anglo-Saxon Poems      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Are women in these poems active equals of the men? Or are they passive victims of the men? The roles of the women in Beowulf and other Anglo-Saxon poems are not always stereotyped ones of passive homemaker and childbearer and peaceweaver, but sometimes ones giving freedom of choice, range of activity, and room for personal growth and development. Beowulf makes reference to Ingeld and his wife and the coming Heathobard feud: in that hot passion his love for peace-weaver, his wife, will cool (2065-66) This is a rare passage, for Anglo-Saxon poetry rarely mentions romantic feelings toward women. In fact, one’s marital status wasn’t even considered significant. For example, with the hero himself the poet never mentions whether he is married or not, likewise with most characters in the poem. Because this is a poem about the heroic deeds of men, Hildeburh excepted, the feeling between man-and-woman is downplayed, and the feeling among warriors is emphasized. Remember that the poem opens with Scyld Scefing, who came motherless to rule the Danes: than those at his start who set him adrift  when only a child, friendless and cold,  lone on the waves. (44-46) Scyld’s motherlessness perhaps tells the reader that the heroic, superhuman, violent deeds about to transpire are perhaps not all that compatible with women and womanly qualities like passivity, gentleness, compassion. It is a predominantly masculine, rough and tough narrative which would only be detracted from by the presence of many women. Chickering says that women in the poem had â€Å"all the dignity and standing they commanded in Tacitus’ day,† when they were greatly respe... (in the case of Hild). And the language in reference to the women seems to be respectful, non demeaning. Some women have stereotyped roles of passive homemaker and childbearer and peaceweaver, but others, particularly royalty, have freedom of choice, range of activity, and room for personal growth and development. BIBLIOGRAPHY Alexander, Michael, translator. The Earliest English Poems. New York: Penguin Books, 1991. Chickering, Howell D.. Beowulf A dual-Language Edition. New York: Anchor Books, 1977. Overing, Gillian R. â€Å"The Women of Beowulf; A context for Interpretation.† In The Beowulf Reader, edited by Peter S. Baker. New York: Garland Publishing, 2000. Chickering, Howell D.. Beowulf A dual-Language Edition. New York: Anchor Books, 1977. Tacitus: The Annals of Imperial Rome, translated by Michael Grant. New York: Penguin, 1996.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Australian And Chinese Health Care Health And Social Care Essay

There are different wellness attention systems around the universe, such as Australian and Chinese wellness attention systems. Over the old ages Australia has faced turning demands on wellness support because of technological alterations, turning patient outlooks and an aging population. The Australian Government financess pharmaceuticals ( PBS ) and cosmopolitan medical services known as Medicare, they besides provide fiscal aid to public infirmaries, aged attention installations for the aged. The new Australian Government elected this twelvemonth will confront issues in the support and bringing of wellness attention. Internationally Australia ‘s wellness attention system ranks good, as Australia has low rate of infant mortality and high mean life anticipation. It is now a job as the wellness system is under force per unit area because of ageing population, the increasing of chronic unwellness ( because of fleshiness ) , and the wellness service administration is acquiring out dated. There are people that are advantaged and disadvantaged in wellness attention, and they remind wellness suppliers and the authorities that there can be no room for satisfaction, in respects to Australia ‘s wellness attention system. During the past 20 old ages China has undergone rapid alteration with a displacement from a planned socialist economic system to a state with more market influences [ 11 ] , and therefore a turning non authorities wellness attention sector [ 12 ] frequently in footings of little patterns outside the infirmary [ 13 ] . The Chinese authorities has made economic development a top precedence, at the disbursal of public wellness ( lift entree to wellness attention for the 800 million people populating in rural countries ) . The major alterations are the turning inequality in entree to wellness attention, increasing costs of medical attention, and the diminution of preventative programmes in some countries [ 15 ] . There is a demand to reorganize the public wellness system by beef uping connexions between the assorted public wellness administrations [ 14 ] . The Chinese authorities has progressively recognised the importance of puting in wellness, and bettering wellness attention services has become a cardinal component in economic development programs. China is besides confronting jobs that are apparent in Australia. This is because of increasing economic growing, alterations in life style that are now act uponing the form of wellness and diseases [ 16 ] . China besides has a big aged population, but unlike Australia China has a policy of one kid per household and no aged attention by the authorities like Australia supplying aged attention installations. It is therefore of involvement to compare the influences on the administration of wellness attention of a quickly altering society, as in China, with Australia and its comparatively unchanged construction despite social alterations.DiscussionAustralia has an country of 7,692,024 kilometers squared with a population of 22,446,815, which means 3 people per square kilometer. While China has a population of 1,328,474,000 on an country of 9598094 square kilometer covering 7.2 people per square metre. China holding such a large population requires much more support and installation to suit the population. Therefore, Organisations within the Chinese wellness service are divided into different degrees to let them to run better, but this besides introduces some common issues. Many jobs beset the Chinese wellness service is the irrational collocation of wellness resources, unjust privileges, the hold in implementing wellness steps in the countryside, and deficiency of authorities committedness to wellness. The development of basic wellness service administrations faces unprecedented challenges. In some towns, wellness forces are merely paid the basic pay, and sometimes this can non be paid on clip, which reduces the enthusiasm of wellness workers. The major issues faced by the Australian wellness attention systems are the support of modern engineering, in order to purchase new equipments, money is needed which will come from increased revenue enhancement. The willingness of physicians and other wellness professionals to work drawn-out hours has diminished as the wellness work force ages, and as persons seek to equilibrate work and household life. There are serious deficits of general practicians, tooth doctors, nurses and some cardinal allied wellness workers. Deficits are more important in outer metropolitan, rural and distant parts, particularly in Autochthonal communities, and in peculiar countries of attention, such as mental wellness, aged attention, and disablement attention. Access to wellness services is going less just. Another of import issue is that the patients ‘ out-of-pocket costs have grown 50 % in the past decennary and now, for some, show a ample barrier to needed attention. In Australia, most of the duty for wellness attention is by the federal authorities, in contrast to China where cardinal authorities has the chief duty. In China the entire wellness outgo is still increasing, from 74.4 billion in 1990, 202.6 in 2001 to 342 billion in 2006, while the cost in Australia is about 103.2 billion in 2008. Therefore, with great outgo rate, China is still considered as a state under development. China besides has a low gross domestic merchandise ( GDP ) of 4.5 % , whereas Australia has a GDP of 9.4 % significance Australia has a higher economic end product towards wellness attention. The Australian Health and Medical Service Act gives patients many rights and chances to act upon their attention through audience with wellness attention staff, while Chinese wellness statute law focuses on the rule of keeping patients ‘ independency but does non hold a particular jurisprudence to protect patients ‘ rights. Chinese patients have limited rights, for illustration, in the pick of intervention, but the jurisprudence besides states duties of the patients, e.g. cooperation with the physician in diagnosing and intervention, paying for medical intervention, detecting ordinances prescribed by infirmaries, etc. Therefore, the attitude of wellness attention staff to patients in Australia is based on a humane and understanding attitude towards each person, while in China the accent is on keeping the patient ‘s independency, and altering the construct of the wellness service from intervention to bar. In both states the focal point has changed from a biomedical to a bio-psycho-social theoretical account, with a more holistic position of the person, and from intervention inside to outside the infirmary. However, in Australia the development of quality confidence has progressed farther as a consequence of the higher developmental degree.DecisionIn decision, the analysed wellness attention systems showed unsimilarities in statute law, administration, and finance, but the two systems are based on similar critical premises, i.e. , uniting managerial-organisational efficiency with the humanitarian-egalitarian ends of wellness attention, and both of them are continuously determined to supply better wellness attention for all, but in a point of position Australian health-care services are good organised and good financed. Through international comparings, new attacks in the field of wellness attention can be found, and appropriate modern steps can be adopted in order to accomplish greater economic systems and more effectual programmes to back up the population.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Racism in Adventures of Huckle essays

Racism in Adventures of Huckle essays Racism in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn During the Antebellum period of American history and for decades after, authors often wrote works regarding the tragedies of slavery. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, written by Mark Twain, is one of the most famous works of literature dealing with the issue of slavery. Unfortunately, some claim that Twains writings are offensive to black readers, perpetuates cheap slave era stereotypes, and deserves no place on todays bookshelves (Salwen 1). This work reflects a boys struggle dealing with slavery while growing up in the South during the era of slavery. In fact, the style of the book, which is the style of Huck, is what makes it a far more convincing indictment of slavery than the sensationalist propaganda of Uncle Toms Cabin (Eliot 64). Furthermore, Huck Finn savages racism as thoroughly as any document in American history (Morrow 159). However, Attempts have been made to deprive children of the right to read Adventures of Huckleberry Finn on the grounds that it is a racist tract (Morrow 155). Twains controversial usage of literary devices such as the vernacular of the time period and various speeches by the characters has raised many issues as to the worth of the work itself. Teaching Adventures of Huckleberry Finn can surely open students eyes to the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is one of the deepest stories written on slavery. The main question that arises from readers and critics alike is What is the book really about? (Salwen 1) This question is one that the reader will have to answer for himself after reading the novel. As with any good work of literature, there always remains a range of interpretation that is still correct though it may differ from other readers. T. S. Eliot commented on Twains writings stating that he wrote w...

Monday, October 21, 2019

ColumbusCh1 Module 1 Psychology Chart Essay

ColumbusCh1 Module 1 Psychology Chart Essay ColumbusCh1 Module 1 Psychology Chart Essay Name: Katelynn Columbus Date: 2/1/13 Directions: Using the information found on pages 9-15 in your textbook; fill in the following charts. Academic Psychologists work in colleges and universities conducting BASIC RESEARCH. Examples of Academic Psychologists What they study. Questions they might ask. Where they work. Neuropsychologists The brain How does the brain scan of someone experiencing an epileptic seizure. Universities. Teaching classes. Social psychologists Behaviors and feelings and beliefs. Under what circumstances do young adults feel compelled to light up a cigarette, when they know it’s unhealthy? Businesses, consulting firms, government agencies, universities. Developmental psychologists The growth or development that takes place from the womb to tomb. How does attending day care affect readiness for kindergarten? Senior centers, hospitals, day care. Cognitive psychologists Processes in an effort to add to psychology’s reservoir knowledge. How do old memories interfere with new memories? Educational settings industrial settings. Experimental psychologists Doing research and can be specialists in cognition. Relating to biological, developmental or cognitive. Government agencies. Psychologists who solve problems are more interested in APPLIED RESEARCH-solving specific, practical problems. Examples of Problem Solving Psychologists What they study. Questions they might ask. Where they work. Forensic psychologists Apply both law and psychology to legal issues. Is it in a Childs best interest to testify in a custody case? Health agencies. Sports psychologists Explore the psychological issues revolving around the improvement of athletic performances. What kind of visual imaging should an athlete do before competing to increase the chances of success? Professional sports teams. Private practice’s Educational psychologists How humans learn and often look for ways to improve the learning process. How do we help fifth-grade students who are reading at a third grade level catch up with heir peers? University settings. Human-factors psychologists How people and machines interact at home and in the workplace. How should computer keyboards e positioned to keep hands and fingers from getting tired after prolonged use? Government and military

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Measure Distances on a Map (How to Steps)

Measure Distances on a Map (How to Steps) Maps are useful for more than just directions. They can also help you determine the distance between two (or more) places. The scales on a map can be different types, from words and ratios to pictorial. Decoding the scale is the key to determining your distance. Heres a quick guide on how to measure distances on a map. All youll need is a ruler, some scratch paper, and a pencil.   Heres How Use a ruler to measure the distance between the two places. If the line is quite curved, use a string to determine the distance, and then measure the string.Find the scale for the map youre going to use. It might be a ruler bar scale or a written scale, in words or numbers.If the scale is a word statement (i.e. 1 centimeter equals 1 kilometer) then determine the distance by simply measuring with a ruler.  For example, if the scale says 1 inch 1 mile, then for every inch between the two points, the real distance is that number in miles. If your measurement is 3 5/8 inches, that would be 3.63 miles.If the scale is a representative fraction (and looks like 1/100,000), multiply the distance of the ruler by the denominator, which denotes distance in the ruler units. The units will be listed on the map, such as 1 inch or 1 centimeter. For example, if the map fraction is 1/100,000, the scale says centimeters, and your points are 6 centimeters apart, in real life theyll be 600,000 centime ters apart or 6 kilometers.   If the scale is a ratio (and looks like this 1:100,000), youll multiply the map units by the number following the colon. For example, if you see 1:63,360, that is 1 inch 1 mile on the ground.For a graphic scale, youll need to measure the graphic, for example, white and black bars, to determine how much ruler distance equates to distance in reality. You can either take your ruler measurement of the distance between your two points and place that on the scale to determine real distance, or you can use scratch paper and go from the scale to the map.To use paper, youll place the edge of the sheet next to the scale and make marks where it shows distances, thus transferring the scale to the paper. Then label the marks as to what they mean, in real distance. Finally, youll lay the paper on the map between your two points to determine the real-life distance between them.After youve found out your measurement and compared with the scale, youll convert your units of measurement into the most convenient units for you (i.e., convert 63,360 inches to 1 mile or 600,000 cm to  6 km, as above). Look Out Watch out for maps that have been reproduced and have had their scale changed. A graphic scale will change with the reduction or enlargement, but other scales become wrong. For example, if a map was shrunk down to 75 percent on a copier to make a handout and the scale says that 1 inch on the map is 1 mile, its no longer true; only the original map printed at 100 percent is accurate for that scale.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Biology (u2 ip&db) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Biology (u2 ip&db) - Essay Example 1) â€Å"Sunlight is converted to chemical energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is the main energy-storing molecule in living organisms. ATP is then transported throughout the chloroplast and used to provide the chemical energy necessary to power other metabolic reactions† (GlobalChange, 2008, pg. 1). â€Å"Cellular respiration allows organisms to use (release) in the chemical bonds of glucose (C6H12O6). The energy in glucose is used to produce ATP. Cells use ATP to supply their energy needs. Cellular respiration is therefore a process in which the energy in glucose is transferred to ATP† (SUNY, 2008, pg. 1). Organisms that can use photosynthesis to produce glucose are also known as photoautrophs. Examples include soybeans, photosynthetic bacteria, cyanobacteria, bacteriochlorophyll, trees, and house plants. Organisms that can use aerobic cellular respiration to break down glucose to produce ATP are known as lithotrophs. Examples include bacteria and archaea. â€Å"Under anaerobic conditions, the absence of oxygen, pyruvic acid can be routed by the organism into one of three pathways: lactic acid fermentation, alcohol fermentation, or cellular (anaerobic) respiration. Humans cannot ferment alcohol in their own bodies, we lack the genetic information to do so. These biochemical pathways, with their myriad reactions catalyzed by reaction-specific enzymes all under genetic control, are extremely complex. We will only skim the surface at this time and in this course. Alcohol fermentation is the formation of alcohol from sugar. Yeast, when under anaerobic conditions, convert glucose to pyruvic acid via the glycolysis pathways, then go one step farther, converting pyruvic acid into ethanol, a C-2 compound† (Estrella Mountain Community College, 2008, pg. 1) When there is a chemical reaction, enzymes and catalysts lower the activation energy required. Each enzyme catalyzes only one reaction, so there are

Friday, October 18, 2019

Research Methods critique of a qualitative journal Literature review

Research Methods critique of a qualitative journal - Literature review Example It is a concise title, which is free of extraneous words and or phrases. Abstract. The wide ranging approach of the article is confirmed in the abstract which stresses the â€Å"complex and multifaceted† way in which ideology affects people at various stages in their professional careers, and in different contexts. The abstract highlights the theoretical underpinning of the work by the work of Goffman on frame analysis (1974; 1981) and outlines how a grounded theory methodology was used to analyse the interactions between professionals and older people. There was some indication of the scope, the variables and the findings of the study in the abstract, but little in the way of detail. The most accurate description for the type of research that this study represents is a survey, with strong theoretical underpinning and a focus on linking ideology with practice. No direct interactions between social workers and clients were observed, and the information about such interactions w as second-hand via the interviewing process. Introduction The problem that the article addresses is was very clearly defined as a need to evaluate the success of the 1990 NHS and Community Care Act in meeting the needs of older people. This is not a new issue, since the Act had been in force for almost two decades at the the time of publication of the article, but the author demonstrates that the critical literature has produced very mixed evaluations. The complexity of the environment, with its conflicting demands such as professional standards, management directives, shifting ideologies, financial constraints and different individual values has led to a proliferation of research outputs which illuminate the detail, but do not address the more fundamental question of dominant ideologies. The background to the problem is described as â€Å"a practice context that has challenged well established modes of social work intervention, †¦ an emphasis on inter-professional workingâ₠¬ ¦ and ethical considerations surrounding service rationing and individual rights.† (Sullivan, 2009). The problem itself is clearly formulated as a need to â€Å"explore both the manifest content and the functional properties of dominant ideology in community care practice†. (Sullivan, 2009) Literature Review Sullivan cites a number of key studies in her description of the fundamental changes in the delivery of care to older people since 1990. These include the work of Postle (1999; 2000; 2002) on the changing role of social workers, and various studies on how bureaucracy affects the delivery of care, such as Lipsky (1980) in an American context and Ellis et al. (2007) in a UK context. Stereotypes of social worker description are listed with reference to Wilmot (1995) and Dalley (1991). A great many studies on organizational policy and its effects on professionals and older people are cited. The extensive quotation of other scholars gives the literature review the qual ity of a meta-analysis, and at the end of this the author homes in on the issue of how ideologies impact on practice delivery. The somewhat overpowering density of references is no doubt due to the fact that the article rests on the author’s PhD research. (Sullivan, 2003). Method procedure. The study proper begins with a reiteration of Goffman’

Cocooning. Consumers are shielding themselves from the harsh, Term Paper

Cocooning. Consumers are shielding themselves from the harsh, unpredictable realities of the outside world and creating safe, - Term Paper Example Tutor Signature: Date: Cocooning: â€Å"Consumers are shielding themselves from the harsh, unpredictable realities of the outside world and creating safe, â€Å"homelike† environments†. Introduction The following research is related to the topic cocooning. The report includes the discussion about the term and its implications in the current consumer behavior. The research also includes the implications of the term and the factors impacting the consumer’s behavior. Finally a conclusion has been drawn in the research. Cocooning Cocooning can be said to be as the condition or trend when people socializing less and retreating themselves in their home more. This trend has become popular after the significant commercialization of the electronic shopping. The consumers are shielding themselves from the unpredictable and harsh realities of the outer world and are retreating themselves into the safe, cozy and home like environments. People are more looking at the home saf e home concept. People and consumers have changed their buying habits because of the high fear of the crimes and no longer like to shop after dark. People are highly frightened by what they see. All the people are looking for developing safer ways to guard themselves against the mad world by burring themselves deeper into the more protective shells and the safe places like cocoons (Moe, 2012). Consumer behavior is changing with a rapid pace. These trends are presenting threat and opportunities to the large variety of organizations. With the changing lifestyle of people the buying behavior of people are changing drastically. People are becoming more career oriented and have very less time for shopping and other activities. There is a high change in the cultural trends of the consumers buying behavior. The cocooning consumer behavior trend is taking high positions in this competitive market place. The behavior of the consumers is changing with a high pace. With the cocooning behavior taking place the organizations need to go online. The cocooning consumer’s behavior is promoting the online shopping trend, and this will take high priority in the coming period (Danziger, 2005). Cultural trends affecting the consumer behavior With the changes in the buying patterns and the promotion of the cocooning behavior of the people there is a high increase in the online shopping behavior of the people. People are all the markets are looking for convenient way of shopping from the comfort of their homes. The organizations are looking for alternatives using which they can easily grab the customers and can entertain the customers buying behavior. People buying behavior has changed drastically in the recent years they have adopted several online buying means like fingertip shopping etc. people are looking for places which acts like cocoon for them. They want everything in the comfort of their homes. The heart of the every cocoon is the bedroom and the bath. People want pl aces where they can easily distress and get recharged. Smart homes are the need of the day which can make the lives of the people easier. People are more attracted towards the ways which can make their shopping experience more pleasant and easy, as compared to the previous visiting system. People look the lives as the homes and gardens are the last places where they want to control their lives. People in the current market period want everything on a click. They do not want to visit the stores and look for buying things. People

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Major Research Project on SAP Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Major Project on SAP - Research Paper Example Systems Applications Products audit was originally developed to provide customers with an ability to socialize and interact with a common database for complex and comprehensive range of applications. The applications have been assembled from the original idea of SAP to fit the modern world, hence most of the largest companies such as Microsoft use SAP products in their businesses (Temponi, 2010). SAP comprises of several modules such as marketing and sales, product design and development, human resources, finance and accounting, utilities for marketing and sales and production and inventory control. Having all these modules combined in one software of which to some extent can be modified to fit the business targets, SAP ERP software collects, combines, analyses and generates data from the separate entities as one collective report that can easily be read and understood. The single generated report enables organizations or companies to have definite planning and overall scheduling of tasks. In a white paper review (2009), SAP is viewed by a number of scholars as a software that can be altered to suit different businesses, requires a system of order in that duties are well defined to avoid crashing of modules and programs as well as ensuring that data coming into the SAP is clearly mapped to ensure high levels of integrity. Due to high usage of software-related programs in running of businesses, the use of SAP requires high levels of control to ascertain the reconciliation with external environment as well as controlling the flow of information to avoid bursting the sensitive accounts that might lead to breakdown of the whole system (Ades & Glaeser, 1995). Companies or organizations using SAP require that they have the development system, the test system and the production system. This forms a definite data flow to ensure that in

Renewable energy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Renewable energy - Essay Example In the 1970 though, the first awareness of the need to raise awareness on the use of natural sources of energy had been realized through the first Earth Day. The said need is due to the discovered negative effect of the scarcity of fuel to power the planet’s need for energy. From the said concern, sustainability had been a trend but is continuously becoming a need (Maczulak, 2009). The study is aimed to explore the concept of renewable energy which specifically includes the definition of the concept, the different types, the effects and the implementation of the methods. Methodology The study is undertaken through library-based research of both primary empirical data and secondary references. The main aim in the search for references to be used in the research is to find sources that generally explore the concept of renewable energy. There are two types of references used namely reference books and journal articles. The reference books are used for the definition of the differ ent concepts and other secondary data while the journal articles are used to gather both primary empirical data and secondary review data. Results The use of renewable energy is related the concept of sustainability which is related to the proper use of resources such as land, clean water, clean air, and the species diversity in nature. One of the main issues of sustainability is the sources of the energy needed to answer the needs of the world. Energy sustainability is the specific concept that targets the efficient use of energy and the implementation of techniques that can both save the two types of energy sources, the natural fuels and the renewable resources (Maczulak, 2009, p.26). Types of Renewable Resource Renewable sources of energy are materials that can be replenished easily such as sun or solar energy; wind power; ocean waves; water flows and tides; heat flows and stored heat; and biomass (Sorensen, 2004, p.210). For each of the said sources of renewable energy, there ar e techniques and methods used to extract and store energy. There effectiveness of the method lies on the application and optimization of available resources. Thus, every nation and locality needs to efficiently use the locally available renewable resources to increase the sustainability and to lessen the costs involved (Wengenmayr and Burhrke, 2008). One of the main renewable energy sources promoted on the basis of sustainability is the solar energy. This is considered as the most basic and readily available. Thus, the technology that can capture, store and utilize the power of the sun can make a significant difference. Different developments regarding the use of solar energy are being undertaken in various places around the world. An example is the development of solar concentrators by the engineers of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) which will be combined with solar films thus surfaces such as windows can gather solar power (Maczulak, 2009, p.108). In the European region, sustainability and the use of renewable energy sources is considered as an important part of the social policies. In 2007, the use of renewable sources of energy had been set on a comprehensive directive to intensify the 2001 directive thus covering the electrical power, heat and mobility. In Germany, Austria, and Greece, solar thermal usage is the main energy source. Biomass is the main source of energy in France specifically used to answer the heat consumption of the country. In other countries such as Sweden, Finland, and

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Major Research Project on SAP Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Major Project on SAP - Research Paper Example Systems Applications Products audit was originally developed to provide customers with an ability to socialize and interact with a common database for complex and comprehensive range of applications. The applications have been assembled from the original idea of SAP to fit the modern world, hence most of the largest companies such as Microsoft use SAP products in their businesses (Temponi, 2010). SAP comprises of several modules such as marketing and sales, product design and development, human resources, finance and accounting, utilities for marketing and sales and production and inventory control. Having all these modules combined in one software of which to some extent can be modified to fit the business targets, SAP ERP software collects, combines, analyses and generates data from the separate entities as one collective report that can easily be read and understood. The single generated report enables organizations or companies to have definite planning and overall scheduling of tasks. In a white paper review (2009), SAP is viewed by a number of scholars as a software that can be altered to suit different businesses, requires a system of order in that duties are well defined to avoid crashing of modules and programs as well as ensuring that data coming into the SAP is clearly mapped to ensure high levels of integrity. Due to high usage of software-related programs in running of businesses, the use of SAP requires high levels of control to ascertain the reconciliation with external environment as well as controlling the flow of information to avoid bursting the sensitive accounts that might lead to breakdown of the whole system (Ades & Glaeser, 1995). Companies or organizations using SAP require that they have the development system, the test system and the production system. This forms a definite data flow to ensure that in

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

See the attachment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

See the attachment - Essay Example The accounting information that is mainly used includes trends of prices, cash flow, market share and firms available resources. 2 (A) Define Sense-making This refers to the process whereby individuals provide a meaning to a particular event or experience. This process is attributed to the existence of cognitive gap where individuals encounter out of making sense from any observed data or information. According to Kauer (2008) in his investigation underlying individual sense-making provides that sense-making is basically an approach of thinking involving assumptions, conceptual frameworks, methodologies and substantive propositions (Kauer, 2008). This process in real life is considered a capability in the corporate world because of its importance in the leadership of dynamic and complex situations. The general activities underlying sense-making include collection of relevant, valid and reliable data, conversations and actions recommended. 2 (B) Describe the context of sense-making in strategic management accounting It is notable that there are theories which have provided evidence that strategic management accounting is vital in developing sense-making process. ... Among the core management accounting roles is to control and manage the organization budget. This involves sense-making processes activities such as knowing the budget, project funding and the current costing of the project. The sense-making activities ensure that there is accuracy in the analysis as well as the collection of organization values and operating costs. Strategic management accounting involves assigning of costs outside the budget. In regard to this aspect of strategic management accounting sense-making process is incorporated in bringing the whole picture where all the expenses and cost are pre-determined by the underlying managers. The sense-making activities under this include market analysis follow up, customer service costs and expenses. Strategic management accounting has notably adopted sense-making process in conducting competitor’s analysis and comparison (Hoque, 2006). Sense-making process integrated in the management accounting process offers an avenue where other businesses costs, revenues and profitability are examined within the same industry. According to Tor Hernes, (2012) this is attributed to organization products and services costs constantly changing because of the dynamism, market forces and other organizational factors (Tor Hernes, 2012). Sense-making activities among the strategic management manager will ensure that measures are put in place for the company to enhance its cost management in comparison with their competitors. This can also be linked with the company enhancing profitability and consolidating its market share. Finally sense-making activities in the context of strategic management accounting regard organization

Librarian PHP Essay Example for Free

Librarian PHP Essay A. Introduction A Library System is a software use to catalog, to track circulation and to have an inventory of the library’s assets. It often contains many thousands of books that are available in the library. This uses computer-based system to keep a record of the books and the transaction that took place. A computer- based library system allows for: * Quick and easy searching for books * Easy printing out of book list/ labels * Automatic warning letters for borrowers who have not yet returned books. The major goal of this study is to create an effective Library System that will meet the needs of the users. The researchers selected the Pasig City Elementary School Library as its subject for system proposal. An interview is conducted to observe transactions happening in that library. During gathering period, the group noticed that they are still using logbooks for filing and recording. It reaches to our knowledge that a one librarian suffers much without a computer- based system. In fact, a librarian stated that if there will be a system to be created for the library, it has to be something with swipe feature so it will display all information immediately. Furthermore, with this information gathered, a computer- based library system will be generated with the use of all the data disclosed to the researchers. B. Objective of the Study General Objective: * To create an effective system out of all information gathered during interview at Pasig City Elementary School Library Specific Objectives: * To be able to make a system that will lessen the work of the librarian * To be able to make a system that will help users for a quick and easy access with the needed information in the library * To be able to meet the needs of the users * To have an easy access with the library * To have a smooth transaction in the library * To avoid miscomputations of penalties for late book returnees C. Statement of the Problem The researchers found out that the library doesn’t have a Computer-Based System. They use logbooks to file all information needed in the library. The librarian is having a hard time cataloging and filing the books every now and then adding to the burdens is the utilization of different and separate logbooks for borrowers, visitors and attendees. Without computer-Based System, the one in-charge is having a hardship organizing borrowing transactions especially, when it comes to accommodating many students at a time. It was further revealed that there are times they lose some information of the students because of not having a system. These are the problems of the current system that would be addressed by our proposed system. D. Scope and Limitation Scopes The researchers will generate a system with the following scopes: * A system with a swipe feature that can display all information needed * A system that can organize/catalog books * A system with password for security * A system with that will give quick and easy access for the users * It has a comprehensible interface. Limitations * It cannot accommodate many users at a time. * This is slight time consuming in encoding/ cataloging. E. Importance of the Study The necessity of using the Library System is to help a lot more the librarians. It will lessen the time of librarian in writing all information of the students in the logbooks. All he had to do is to create a database that supports the system. This will also lessen his time printing out booklist/labels, receipt, etc. This also gives an automatic warning letters for borrowers who forgot to returned books on time. It will also avoid miscomputations of penalties for late book returnees. This study will improve the skills of the researchers in generating a system. F. Conceptual Framework The researchers will create a computer-based library system to meet the needs of the librarians. The group will try their very best to come up with the best system with the help of their instructors using PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) as the programming language and Wampserver as the database. Through the information gathered the proponent will try its o G. Definition of terms * Computer- based Library System It is the software used to catalog, track circulation (where appropriate) and inventory a librarys assets. * PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) It is a server-side scripting language designed for web development but also used as a general-purpose programming language. * Wampserver It is a web development platform on Windows allowing you to create dynamic web applications with Apache2, PHP and MySQL. * Software It is a general term for the various kinds of programs used to operate computers and related devices. * Inventory It’s an itemized catalog or list of tangible goods or property, or the intangible attributes or qualities * Catalog It also serves as an inventory or bookkeeping of whats in the library. * Database It is a collection of data that is organized so that its contents can easily be accessed, managed, and updated.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Pathophysiology of Liver Diseases

Pathophysiology of Liver Diseases ONG SUAN LING Liver Failure The liver is responsible for regulatory, detoxification, metabolic and synthetic activities. Liver cell known as hepatocyte, is responsible for about 500 or more specific biologic processes [2]. Liver failure occurs when large parts of the liver become damaged and the liver is dysfunction [1]. Liver failure occurs over many years and gradually. However, the acute liver failure is difficult to detect initially and occurs rapidly (as rapid as 48 hours) [1]. Chronic liver failure is caused by excessive alcohol intake, Hepatitis B or C, malnutrition, Hemochromatosis (body absorb and store too much iron) and cirrhosis (irreversible inflammatory disease) [2]. Figure 1 show the stages of liver damage which eventually lead to cirrhosis. Liver Hepatitis Hepatitis means inflammation of the liver. Hepatitis B and hepatitis C is the most common hepatitis which can lead to the liver damage caused by their chronic forms. Viral hepatitis is cleared from the body in a period ranging from weeks to months, by the immune system but when it is not as seen in chronic hepatitis, the disease must be managed medically [5]. Hepatitis can also be brought on by excess alcohol consumption or inherited (congenital hepatitis)[5]. When hepatitis left untreated, it can damage the liver over many years, eventually resulting in cirrhosis [5]. Liver Cirrhosis Cirrhosis is a condition in which normal, healthy hepatocyte are damaged and replaced by nodular and fibrotic tissue. A cirrhosis-damaged liver can cause decreased hepatic function and widespread disruption of many body functions [3]. For cirrhosis, the biliary channels become obstructed and caused portal hypertension. The hypoxic necrosis is developed as a result of blood circulation is shunted away from the liver (due to neovascularisation) [4] Figure 2 shows the normal appearance of the cells of the liver, compared to cells of cirrhotic livers. Hepatopulmonary syndrome (HPS) Hepatopulmonary syndrome is the clinical relationship between hepatic dysfunction and the existence of pulmonary vascular dilatation which can result in a range of arterial oxygenation abnormalities [6]. HPS is defined by the presence of chronic liver disease; abnormal arterial oxygenation or an arterial partial pressure of oxygen in the absence of an alternate cause; and evidence of intrapulmonary vascular dilatations (IPVDs) [7] Pathophysiology Hepatopulmonary syndrome occurs mostly in patients who have established cirrhosis and portal hypertension [8]. From a pathophysiological point of view, abnormal intrapulmonary vascular dilatation is linked to portal hypertension, which in itself leads to altered bowel perfusion and an increased rate of enteral translocation of gram-negative bacteria and endotoxin. This process in turn stimulates the release of vasoactive mediators, which include tumour necrosis factor, haem-oxygenase-derived carbon monoxide, and nitric oxide. The increased production of nitric oxide in the lung plays a central part in the pathogenesis of the hepatopulmonary syndrome [8]. Increased concentrations of exhaled nitric oxide are positively correlated with the increase of alveoloarterial oxygen difference. The constitutive and the inducible isoforms of nitricoxide synthase have been implicated in this process. In addition, the endothelin system, especially abnormal activation and increased expression of endothelial type B endothelin receptors, is implicated in the pathogenesis of the hepatopulmonary syndrome [8]. In patients who have pulmonary hypertension, endothelin predominantly exerts vasoconstrictive and mitogenic effects due to activation of type A and type B endothelin receptors on pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells [8]. (Refer to figure 3) Figure 3 show in presence of portal hypertension, hepatic production occurs of endothelin-1 and expression of endothelial type B receptors, but no type A receptors increase in pulmonary vasculature. Signaling via endothelially expressed endothelin B receptor leads to increase NO production by eNOS, with the overall effect of pulmonary vascular dilatation. Below is how defective synthesis and metabolism of pulmonary vasoactive substance lead to intrapulmonary Vasodilation. Due to the vasodilation and development of shunt, the blood flow is not uniform leading to ventilatation-pefusion mismatch and also restricts the oxygen molecules to reach the centre of the capillaries and hemoglobin in the erythrocyte [9]. (Refer to figure 4) Figure 4: Ventilation-perfusion mismatches the oxygen reach the capillaries and blood. The nonuniform perfusion blood flow may lead to the formation of functional intrapulmonary vascular dilations which is the major cause of hypoxemia and the defining feature of HPS [9]. The hyperdynamic circulation as well as the increased cardiac output which associated with liver disease reduces the transit time of blood in the lung vasculature, thus the time available for the oxygen diffusion is reduced. This in turn contributes to the hypoxemia [9]. HPS also caused a decreased arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) as a result of the inability of oxygen molecules to diffuse to the center of the dilated pulmonary capillaries to oxygenate the haemoglobin in the erythrocytes [8]. Figure 5 shows illustration of precapillary pulmonary vascular dilatations. On the other hand, the increasing of alveolar PO2 with supplement oxygen may increase the blood arterial PO2 and improve the hypoxemia [8]. HPS patients have been reported to have decreased pulmonary vascular resistance and decreased hypoxic pulmonary vascular constriction [8]. Hepatorenal syndrome (HRS) Hepatorenal syndrome (HRS) is generally occurs in patients with cirrhosis and portal hypertension [10]. HRS is characterised by major disturbances in circulatory function and renal failure [10]. Intense vasoconstriction of the renal circulation has resulted in renal failure [10]. The HRS is the final consequence of extreme underfilling of the arterial circulation secondary to arterial vasodilatation in the splanchnic vascular bed [10, 11]. The principle abnormality in the systemic circulation is low arterial pressure caused by greatly reduced total systemic vascular resistance [11]. The prognosis remains poor, particularly when there is rapidly progressive renal failure [11]. HRS occurs in the setting of cirrhosis predominantly, but it can also be developed in other types of chronic liver disease like alcoholic hepatitis. Figure 6: Proposed pathogenesis of HRS in cirrhosis, according to the arterial vasodilatation [13] The mechanism of HRS is vasoconstriction of the renal circulation is multifactorial, involving disturbance in the activity and circulatory function of systemic and renal vasoactive mechanisms [13]. There is severe arterial underfilling in the systemic circulation which is related to the portal hypertension [13]. The arterial underfilling is caused by the vasodilatation of the splanchnic circulation related to increased splanchnic production of vasodilator substances, particularly nitric oxide [17]. The increased activity of the vasoconstrictor systems caused greatly reduce in renal perfusion and GFR however tubular function is preserved [13,14,16]. The vasoconstrictor system has resulted in the retention in free water (arginine vasopressin) and retention in sodium (renin-angiotensin and sympathetic nervous system) that occurs in advanced cirrhosis [15, 16]. In the early phases of decompensated cirrhosis, increased synthesis of renal vasodilator factors (mainly prostaglandins) caused maintenance of renal perfusion within the normal range because of [17]. In later phases of the disorder, renal perfusion cannot be maintained because maximum activation of vasoconstrictor systems caused by the extreme arterial underfilling, has decreased production of renal vasodilator factors, or both, and lead to HRS developement [17]. The activation of vasoconstrictor systems also results in vasoconstriction of some vascular beds other than the kidneys, including the legs, arms and brain. Due to the greatly increased local production of vasodilators, the splanchnic area escapes the effect of vasconstrictors [18]. References (2014).Liver failure causes, symptoms, treatments, tests more. [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 11 Jan 2014]. (2014).Liver disease | vital therapies. [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 11 Jan 2014]. 2014.HN632campus Cirrhosis. 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(1994). Peripheral arterial vasodilatation: determinant of functional spectrum of cirrhosis. InSeminars in liver disease(Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 14-22). Martin, P. Y., Ginà ¨s, P., Schrier, R. W. (1998). Nitric oxide as a mediator of hemodynamic abnormalities and sodium and water retention in cirrhosis.New England Journal of Medicine,339(8), 533-541. Angeli, P., Merkel, C. (2008). Pathogenesis and management of hepatorenal syndrome in patients with cirrhosis.Journal of hepatology,48, S93-S103.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Leukemia :: essays research papers

Leukemia   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Leukemia strikes all ages and both sexes. In 1995 approximately 20,400 people died from Leukemia. The all time five year survival rate is 38%. This rate has gone to 52% in the mid 1980’s. Approximately 25,700 cases were reported in 1995 alone(American Cancer Society-leukemia, 1995).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Leukemia is a form of cancer in the blood cells. Most forms of Leukemia occur in the white blood cells. These abnormal cells reproduce in large quantities and look and perform differently than normal cells(MedicineNet- leukemia, 1997). Right now the causes of Leukemia are unknown. Some studies have shown that exposure to high-energy radiation increases chances of contracting leukemia. Such radiation was produced in the atomic bombing of Japan during World War II. There is also enough energy in nuclear plants so strict safety precautions are taken. Some research shows that exposure to electric magnetic fields, such as power lines and electric appliances, is a possible risk factor. More studies are needed to prove this link. Some genetic conditions, such as Down’s syndrome, are also believed to increase the risk factor. Exposure to some chemicals is also suspected to be a risk factor. By learning the causes of leukemia treatment options will become available(MedicineNet-leukemia, 1997). There are many symptoms of leukemia. The symptoms of leukemia are the same for all the different types of leukemia. The acute types of leukemia, ALL and AML, symptoms are seen more quickly than in the chronic types of leukemia, CLL and CML, where symptoms do not necessarily appear right away. The symptoms are flu symptom, weakness, fatigue, constant infections, easily bleed and bruise, loss of weight and appetite, swollen lymph nodes, liver or spleen, paleness, bone or joint pain, excess sweating, swollen or bleeding gums, nosebleeds and other hemorrhages, and red spots called petechiae located underneath the skin. In acute Leukemia the cancerous cells may collect around the central nervous system. The results can include headaches, vomiting, confusion, loss of muscle control, or seizures. These clumps of cancer cells can collect in other various parts of the body(MedicineNet-leukemia, 1997 and American Cancer Society- leukemia, 1995).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Leukemia can be diagnosed in a number of ways. Blood work is commonly done in the laboratory. Different forms of blood work include checking the hemoglobin count, platelet count, or white blood cell count. X-rays are routinely done for treatment follow-up. Ultrasound is also used as a treatment follow-up. CT Scan is a special type of x-ray used as a detailed cross section of a specific area of the body. Bone marrow is routinely tested to examine progress of the disease. Spinal taps are also used in certain types of cancers.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre - Jane Eyre and I :: Jane Eyre Essays

Jane Eyre and I For me reading Jane Eyre was no mere intellectual exercise; it was an experience which served to reflect a mirror-image of what I am. Jane's rainbows and cobwebs are mine; we are one. I think that she would be as engrossed in reading an account of my life as I was in reading hers. I see her reading Ruth Rosen on a stormy night, covers up to her chin, with candlelight flickering and wind whistling across the heath. I read hers tucked into bed, as wind rattled the windows and bellowed through the caverns of Trump Village. Every page of Jane Eyre seemed to uncover another similarity between us. One passage was particularly meaningful to me because I found it to be a melding of several characteristics: No reflection was to be allowed now; not one glance was to be cast back; not even one forward. Not one thought was to be given either to the past or future. The first was a page so heavenly sweet--so deadly sad--that to read one line of it would dissolve my courage and break down my energy (p. 323). Here we see Jane as romantic, moral, passionate, vulnerable and highly principled. My past grinds at my guts, but I realize now that I couldn't have done otherwise taking into account my romantic and moral inclinations, my passions, my vulnerability and high principles. Jane was tormented by her choices for the same reasons. Jacques Brel said, "Perhaps we feel too much and maybe that's the crime, perhaps we pray too much and there isn't any shrine..." But that's cynical, and defensive and incurable romantics like Jane and me would argue vehemently with Mr. Brel's lyric. To me (and probably to Jane) without passion and the Quest, life is a living death; without the willingness to do, to try and perhaps, to fail, we are automatons. Philosophers and psychologists tell us that we do what we do because of what we are. As kindred spirits, Jane and I would find ourselves in emotional and ethical quandaries and flight would be the only choice. It is a flight fueled by principles. Flight was Jane's only alternative when St. John Rivers proposed. He didn't seek marriage on the basis of love, but as a device to woo her into becoming a fellow-missionary. She was appalled by this bloodless, lifeless request.

Religious beliefs Essay

In What Pragmatism Means, James writes that the central point of his own doctrine of truth is, in brief, that â€Å"truth is one species of good, and not, as is usually supposed, a category distinct from good, and coordinate with it. Truth is the name of whatever proves itself to be good in the way of belief, and good, too, for definite, assignable reasons. † Richard Rorty claims that James did not mean to give a theory of truth with this statement, and that we should not regard it as such; though other pragmatism scholars such as Susan Haak and Howard Mounce do not share an instrumentalist interpretation of James. Bruce Kuklick, (Kuklick, tells us that, â€Å"James went on to apply the pragmatic method to the epistemological problem of truth. He would seek the meaning of ‘true’ by examining how the idea functioned in our lives. A belief was true, he said, if in the long run it worked for all of us, and guided us expeditiously through our semi-hospitable world. James was anxious to uncover what true beliefs amounted to in human life, what their â€Å"Cash Value† was, what consequences they led to. A belief was not a mental entity which somehow mysteriously corresponded to an external reality if the belief were true. Beliefs were ways of acting with reference to a precarious environment, and to say they were true was to say they guided us satisfactorily in this environment. † In this sense the pragmatic theory of truth applied Darwinian ideas in philosophy; it made survival the test of intellectual as well as biological fitness. If what was true was what worked, we can scientifically investigate religion’s claim to truth in the same manner. The enduring quality of religious beliefs throughout recorded history and in all cultures gave indirect support for the view that such beliefs worked. James also argued directly that such beliefs were satisfying—they enabled us to lead fuller, richer lives and were more viable than their alternatives. Religious beliefs were expedient in human existence, just as scientific beliefs were. † William James gave a further direction to pragmatism, developing it as a theory of truth. True ideas, according to James, are useful â€Å"leadings†; they lead through experience in ways that provide consistency, orderliness, and predictability. John Dewey was another leading pragmatist whose influence on educational and social theory is still prevalent in American society. We learn from (American Pragmatism I), that â€Å"James elaborated his theory of pragmatism in works such as Pragmatism: A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking (1907) and The Meaning of Truth: A Sequel to Pragmatism (1909). He considered pragmatism to be both a method for analyzing philosophic problems and a theory of truth. He also saw it as an extension of the empiricist attitude in that it turned away from abstract theory and fixed or absolute principles and toward concrete facts, actions, and relative principles. James considered philosophies to be expressions of personal temperament and developed a correlation between â€Å"tough-minded† and â€Å"tender-minded† temperaments and empiricist and rationalist positions in philosophy. Theories, he felt, are â€Å"instruments† that humans use to solve problems and should be judged in terms of their â€Å"cash value† or practical consequences for human conduct. Reference American Pragmatism I. â€Å"Pragmatism†. Adventures in Philosophy. James, William. (1902-1920). â€Å"What is Pragmatism†. The Library of America. Lecture II Kuklick, Bruce. â€Å"William James†. The Introduction to William James’s Pragmatism. Wikipedia, The Free Dictionary.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Jean Piaget

The history of psychology dates back to the ancient Greeks, Callahan and India. There are even some records of psychology dating back to ancient Egypt. Psychology is the study of the human mind and it's functions. It used to be a branch of philosophy, but in the asses it developed into an independent science, when Wilhelm Wound founded the first laboratory dedicated to psychology. In the ancient times, psychology had to do with evil spirits and souls, which remedies were incinerations and curses. Right now, In modern times, we know that psychology has nothing to do with that, but with the rain and the way it works.Jean Pigged was born In Nucleus, Switzerland in 1896. He did his license and PhD on biology at the university of his hometown. It was his background on biology, and his interest on epistemology (the theory of knowledge), that made him want to find out how the mind comes to know knowledge, objects and concepts, which then lead him to study the development of children, especi ally his own. He observed, talked and listen to them, as well as other children, while he performed exercises to test his theories, studies that he then published and helped IM create his theory.Piglet's theory is called Intellectual Development, it is based on the maturation of the human. It was divided into four stages. These stages happen in between the ages of O and 15 years old. The first stage that happens between the age of O and 2, it is called Seismometer Stage. Children start to differentiate themselves from objects and knows more about himself and where he is. Also a key think kids learn Is that if parents or any object Is outside of his sight It will continue to exist.Pre-operational stage comes around 2-7 years of age, the most important thing happening in this stage is that children learn how to use language and by using this skill they represent objects by words or images. Children begin to use symbols to represent objects, also they don't have a sense of time and are influenced by fantasy and think others fantasize like them. Concrete Operational is the stage happening while the child is 7 to 12 years old. During this age children get more comfortable with themselves, and develop an ability to think and make judgment about important things.In this stage It Is common that children ask many questions and would like to explain things to their parents. The last stage of Piglet's theory is called Formal Operational Stage, in this stage teenagers are Individual and know how to make complete Judgment by themselves. Teenagers are capable or reasoning and will be more open and have a wide range of ideas because they can consider many possibilities and see from different perspectives Jean Piglets theory of intellectual development Is very similar but at the same time very different than Erikson theory.Piglet's theory is based on maturation and what children and adults hint and develop while growing up, while Erikson theory is more about what you feel and who you are as a person and the people you interact with. The theories are similar at only the beginning, in the first stage when they talk about tact and how the children develop feelings with the persons they love. And finally another similarity Is that all the stages last till death. In Piglet's theory you stop developing at age 16, childhood, allotted and elderly.The two theories are different in many ways but both have the same base idea, you could say that Jean and Erik had the same Houghton, but then developed a different concept for finishing their theories. Pigged is one of the most important psychologists of the modern times, and with out a doubt, the most important child psychologist. He is very well recognized around the world for his theory on child development as well as the series of books he has written on it. Jean Piglet's theory is more about maturation, rather than Erosion's, that is more about what a person is feeling throughout his or her whole life.His theory has four stages which are: The seismometer stage (0-2 years), the Pre-operational stage (2-7 ears), the concrete operational stage (7-12) and the formal operational stage (12 and above). Teenagers who are 12 and above have a wider range of ideas and they have judgment. Erickson theory has stages begin from the moment in which a person is born, to the moment in which a person dies. He explains how your life can change if a stage in your life isn't satisfactory. Usually, a teenager isn't mature enough until he or she has reached an age above 12. Jean Piaget The history of psychology dates back to the ancient Greeks, Callahan and India. There are even some records of psychology dating back to ancient Egypt. Psychology is the study of the human mind and it's functions. It used to be a branch of philosophy, but in the asses it developed into an independent science, when Wilhelm Wound founded the first laboratory dedicated to psychology. In the ancient times, psychology had to do with evil spirits and souls, which remedies were incinerations and curses. Right now, In modern times, we know that psychology has nothing to do with that, but with the rain and the way it works.Jean Pigged was born In Nucleus, Switzerland in 1896. He did his license and PhD on biology at the university of his hometown. It was his background on biology, and his interest on epistemology (the theory of knowledge), that made him want to find out how the mind comes to know knowledge, objects and concepts, which then lead him to study the development of children, especi ally his own. He observed, talked and listen to them, as well as other children, while he performed exercises to test his theories, studies that he then published and helped IM create his theory.Piglet's theory is called Intellectual Development, it is based on the maturation of the human. It was divided into four stages. These stages happen in between the ages of O and 15 years old. The first stage that happens between the age of O and 2, it is called Seismometer Stage. Children start to differentiate themselves from objects and knows more about himself and where he is. Also a key think kids learn Is that if parents or any object Is outside of his sight It will continue to exist.Pre-operational stage comes around 2-7 years of age, the most important thing happening in this stage is that children learn how to use language and by using this skill they represent objects by words or images. Children begin to use symbols to represent objects, also they don't have a sense of time and are influenced by fantasy and think others fantasize like them. Concrete Operational is the stage happening while the child is 7 to 12 years old. During this age children get more comfortable with themselves, and develop an ability to think and make judgment about important things.In this stage It Is common that children ask many questions and would like to explain things to their parents. The last stage of Piglet's theory is called Formal Operational Stage, in this stage teenagers are Individual and know how to make complete Judgment by themselves. Teenagers are capable or reasoning and will be more open and have a wide range of ideas because they can consider many possibilities and see from different perspectives Jean Piglets theory of intellectual development Is very similar but at the same time very different than Erikson theory.Piglet's theory is based on maturation and what children and adults hint and develop while growing up, while Erikson theory is more about what you feel and who you are as a person and the people you interact with. The theories are similar at only the beginning, in the first stage when they talk about tact and how the children develop feelings with the persons they love. And finally another similarity Is that all the stages last till death. In Piglet's theory you stop developing at age 16, childhood, allotted and elderly.The two theories are different in many ways but both have the same base idea, you could say that Jean and Erik had the same Houghton, but then developed a different concept for finishing their theories. Pigged is one of the most important psychologists of the modern times, and with out a doubt, the most important child psychologist. He is very well recognized around the world for his theory on child development as well as the series of books he has written on it. Jean Piglet's theory is more about maturation, rather than Erosion's, that is more about what a person is feeling throughout his or her whole life.His theory has four stages which are: The seismometer stage (0-2 years), the Pre-operational stage (2-7 ears), the concrete operational stage (7-12) and the formal operational stage (12 and above). Teenagers who are 12 and above have a wider range of ideas and they have judgment. Erickson theory has stages begin from the moment in which a person is born, to the moment in which a person dies. He explains how your life can change if a stage in your life isn't satisfactory. Usually, a teenager isn't mature enough until he or she has reached an age above 12.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Worlds Biggest Criminal (Osama bin Laden) Essay

The Worlds Biggest Criminal (Osama bin Laden) - Essay Example The reason why Osama bin Laden was hailed as an international criminal and terrorist was because he had been involved in setting up the banned outfits Al-Qaeda and the attached wing Taliban. What these groups brought to the fore was massive killing of people all around the globe (Searcey 2011). Their number one priority was to make sure that the so-called Muslim preaching was made significant yet they conducted their own attacks, all in the name of the religion of Islam. Osama bin Laden, along with his close aides was able to gather a great amount of hate all over the world for these activities. I am of the view that once Osama bin Laden was caught, he should not have been killed since he was unarmed. As he has slaughtered thousands of people worldwide, it would have been better had he been captured alive. If this was done, the number one criminal would have been taken to the United States where criminal proceedings shall have been held. But this was not to be, and Osama bin Laden wa s killed which essentially closed the chapter once and for all. Since he was required by the US government dead or alive, the US Navy SEALs only found it appropriate to kill him and then take his body forward. I do not think this served the purpose since his death did not teach people a lesson as his capturing alive would have. His conviction would have sent a totally unique message to all the criminals and terrorists all over the globe.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 9

Marketing - Essay Example Cervo & Allen (2011 p.67) revealing the client information may not only raise ethical concerns, but also alienates the customers from the business. In attempt to unravel this dilemma, business critics have suggested a number of possible effects that would occur if a firm opts to disclose such information. The case study illustrates the above problem and provides a suggestion on how to handle the problem. Marketing issues at stake The primary marketing issue at stake is the leaking of customer secret information. IFA marketing executives have sought confidential information of customers of ShopSense. The marketing executives of IFA believe that confidential information about consumers of foodstuffs would be useful in developing products for their customers. However, extracting such information from another company such as ShopSense is not easy. A major concern raised against the idea is the detrimental effects that leaking such information may have on the reputation of the company. Es tablishing confidence of the consumers as well as maintaining a consistent customer takes long. The two firms seem to acknowledge this fact. The relationship between the business and the firm hangs on respects to the mutual agreement consented to by both parties (Russo, 2010 p.167). The deal seems lucrative, but poses serious challenges to ShopSense. Arguably, clients of this firm have demonstrated their trust to the firm. In addition, they have maintained trust to the firm by consistently buying their products from the firm. This means that disclosing the information is an attempt to break the bond between the firm and the clients. The nagging question is who should allow the dissemination of the client’s private information. Compare and contrast the advice provided by different critics. A common observation made by the marketing critics is the sensitivity of the information kept by ShopSense. ShopSense values the customers’ information more than IFA. In this sense, i t means that disclosing information about the client would affect their business adversely. Clients of ShopSense seem to confide in the company. However, disclosing such information for financial benefit seems to have a short-term benefit to ShopSense. In business, the benefits derived from any decision dictates the present and the future of the business. The critics have demonstrated their stands concerning the idea. George L Jones for instance argues that the engagement between IFA and ShopSense is valid provided that the clients of ShopSense do not feel the reverberations of the leaked information. Katherine Lemmon argues that the issue in this case is disclosing unintended information to another party. She believes that the consumers are likely to lose the trust they have to the company an aspect that might Influence the overall performance of the ShopSence. In essence, she believes that the decision about disclosing or not disclosing the non intended information would be valid if it would not spark any concerns that would have a negative impacts to the company. Norton and McCallister share the similar information that the scorecard of the ShopSense is the confidence that they have built from their customers. This means that the activity is not only risky, but also attracts ethical concerns. All the critics seem to suggest that the opportunity may not be fruitful at the long run. In all the cases cited, the integrity of the company disclosing this information would

Monday, October 7, 2019

Law & Social Control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Law & Social Control - Essay Example Further in the article Marx (1981) outlines the theories connected with the role of authorities in establishing the deviance which he calls â€Å"ironies†. Marx (1981) describes situations in which social control generates rule-breaking behavior and divides them into escalation, nonenforcement and covert facilitation. In discussing these types of social control, Marx (1981) uses mainly examples from criminal justice to make his point. In escalation, authorities unintentionally trigger rule-breaking by taking enforcement actions. The best example to depict the escalation type of situation is police involvement in family conflict. Police interference in interpersonal conflicts seems to lead to further violence, acting as â€Å"a breeding ground† for aggressive and provocative response. In nonenforcement, authorities contribute to deviance in more indirect way than in escalation. Here institutions prefer not to take enforcement actions and by this they intentionally permit rule breaking. Marx (1981) says that nonenforcement is the most difficult to identify, because this strategy is illegal and authorities often try to hide it. An example is given by the informant system, which is a major source of nonenforcement, though it plays crucial role to many kinds of law enforcement. Called a form of institutionalized blackmail, the informant system helps informants to avoid prison, or to receive reduced sentences. However, the informant source assists the police in arresting criminals which will not be caught with other means. Covert facilitation represents taking deceptive enforcement actions through which authorities intentionally aid rule breaking. Marx (1981) calls this passive nonenforcement. Social control agents may infiltrate into certain structures and buy or sell illegal goods, victimize others or seek prostitutes in a tourist disguise. Covert facilitation

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Moon shots and unemployment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Moon shots and unemployment - Essay Example According to the former president of United States, unemployment is not structural but it is largely due to the incapability of the firms to hire professionals suitable for the jobs. In other words, the people being hired are not competent enough for the jobs being offered to them. One of the solutions to this problem should be the development of a proper Human Resource system that would facilitate all the companies to hire people who perfectly fit in the given criteria. Job descriptions for each post should be developed and talent hunt should be conducted subsequently. However, the problem faced by USA is much more deep-rooted than this. While other developing countries like China are building on their core-competencies and looking for newer and bigger entrepreneurial ventures (for example, electric car manufacturing), USA is spending billions in Afghanistan. This is very dangerous for the country. USA should therefore invest in discovering new avenues for economic growth, rather than being so politically active in wars all around the world. Otherwise China will become an economic superpower in the upcoming years and USA will be importing products like electric cars from

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Freedom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Freedom - Essay Example Thomas, lead character of the story, who is living the life of suffering in Chicago's ghettos until he gets his ticket out of craving to get freedom. Bigger is hampered with a powerful zeal that he has cannot control his life and that he cannot do anything other than working as a labor. The character is very complex and has very low confidence level. The novel may only be compared to the Richard Wright supporting culture, and a very complex in fact a negative picture of the black Americans. Mary’s murder gives Bigger a sense of power and identity he has never known. Which though leads him to death at the end but he struggled hard to overcome all his weakness his poverty. He has a great feeling of freedom too as explained in the novel. â€Å"Bigger has a strong feeling of freedom: "Sort of natural-like, me being here facing that death chair. Now I realize about it, it seems like something like this just had to be. He is then fated to death and faces his destiny impenitently. T hinking of that 'the reason I killed for, I am!' Though in prison, shows a great need for a common brotherhood. This actually shows what Wright really think of freedom. As he considered freedom a term when one can free him from any regret from every sin he has done mistakenly or with conscious mind which leads him to death yet is effective as it will end. The novel shows various annoying characteristics of Thomas. As though he was a very terrified boy from white that he never ever tried to rob the white with his gang as he take white not an individual but as a group. So he was very much terrifying and may be his fear will then end at such violence. Richard Wrights has a very complex definition of freedom. As doing a complete analysis of Thomas it seems that writer is a very deep critic of the society’s cruel attitude and the strange implementation of those rules that support racism. He portrays the character as it is a real discovery of such cruel society. Wright has a clear an idea of freedom and also he discovers many hurdles can be faced by achieving such levels of freedom are not possible until one can sacrifice greatly. Mary, Mr. Dalton’s daughter was a really against this racism so she threaten Thomas to forget about all the taboos and to encourage him she spent full night with his boy friend and Bigger her boy friend Jan desperate to prove their liberal thoughts and racial tolerance against the black Americans. Despite Bigger’s embracement they spent great time with him. This is another way of depicting that this is not possible to get a real freedom. As though the couple is giving Thomas a great opportunity to interact with a class of white people but he acts annoyingly. That shows at any cost bigger does not have the ability to overcome his inferiority complex enforced in him from his childhood that may lead to a strange criminal mind set. Like after that evening they get drunk heavily. And Bigger drove to home. Afterward, Mary is too drunk as she cannot go to her bedroom on her own, so Bigger helps her to get there. Drunk and as he get freedom he started kissing Mary. That depicts what the writer another perception towards the fears and complexes of one man that leads him towards violating all the rules. And act like animal as when he get a little space and a chance he forgot what is right and what is wrong and freely do what his fear asks him to do. This is a way to get freedom but deeply this is not a real freedom actually this is an outcome of all those

Friday, October 4, 2019

Educational Tour Essay Example for Free

Educational Tour Essay Educational Tour gives us ideas likewise opportunities to visit prestigious agencies that may help us visualize what we are learning at school. This activity helps us develop our personality since social graces and etiquette are learned too by experience. Moreover, important to every student since it is a part of our learning process to acquire more knowledge through actual exposure to the different agencies. Narrative Report: On July 4,2013 ,the faculty of World Citi Colleges held an educational tour for the Bachelor of Science and Tourism Management students. The locations are the Cultural Center of the Philippines, Resort World Manila and Island Cove. July 4, 2013, the day when I have to wake up early because it should be a big No for rush and the call time is 6:00 to 6:30. I have to commute to go to our school. It is around 5:00 in the morning when I left my house and started to wait a jeep in waiting area going to Cubao. Sadly, I wait for 15 minutes just to ride in a jeep. When I rode a jeep, I paid going to Anonas and dropped to our school. When I got there, I saw my classmates and we went to Bus no. 3. While waiting for others, I and my classmates sit in the vacant sit . We started to travel around 7:00 but of course we pray first for a safe trip. After the pray, here it goes! We already started talking, laughing, picture taking and of course we cooperate in our tour guide to answer some questions and he gives some rules. We arrived at Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP). Our tour guide in CCP gives us knowledge about the history of the Cultural Center of the Philippines and about some Arts that in the place who made it and why he/she made it. I recognized some of my classmates didn’t listening to our tour guide while some of us listening. He showed us the theater. He said, â€Å"I didn’t showed this to some groups but because you’re listening I will show you the theater. † We were in at a dark place and I saw the theater. It’s so big! It’s my first time to see a big theater. After that, we continued the tour again and of course we take pictures. After the CCP, we went again to our bus. We arrived at the Resort World but before we go out on a bus, a tour guide in Resort World showed and gave us some of the rules. We gave our member information to get a member card. He said that only 29 students will get the member card on a day of our tour. Luckily, I got it. After that, we toured in the resort world. Actually, that’s my first time to go to a luxury mall. We entered to a theater and then they showed us the rooms in hotel. We played games in Game zoo. They gave us a Game zoo Card for free play. After we played, we bought our lunch in Mc Donald. Then, we went back to our bus and ate the lunch while moving the bus going to Island Cove. We arrived at Island Cove which was our last destination. We walked in a bridge. There, we have a seminar with other branch of World Citi Colleges Caloocan, Antipolo and Cubao. The seminar started. I learned many things about Tourism and of course being a tourist guide. After the seminar, we toured around the island cove. We saw a swimming pool and some slides. Too bad, we didn’t know that we can bring some clothes so we can swim. Because of that, we just took some pictures and toured the place. When we got tired, we went back to our bus. I and my classmates were talking, laughing, and taking pictures. Then all my classmates were got in the bus so we were going back to school. We left the Island Cove around 5:00 pm and arrived at the school at 8:00 pm because of the traffic. I got home safely around 9:00. The tour for me is great! I learn many things that I will I hope we have a tour again in a great place and an educational.